March 6, 2025

Welcome to MedBlogs Grand Rounds 4:28, a weekly online compendium to links of the best medical blog posts.

I’m also very happy to be the first Five time host of this little enterprise, and hope to do it again someday. Over in the left sidebar are category links, where you should be able to find a link to (nearly) all the prior Grand Rounds.

Without further ado, let’s get a look at the best posts of the medblogosphere (which is now a real word, or at least should be):

#1 Dinosaur relates his experience with an internet lurker who reached out – for a reason to not commit suicide. It’s a must read, and approaches a question I hear a lot in a unique way.

Wilderness Medicines’ Paul Auerbach writs a nice case report about a high-voltage injury. Lucky patient!

Health Business Blog write about an unintended (but happy) effect of the Wal-Mart $4 drugs. I refer a lot of patients there for their inexpensive generics.

Episcopal Chaplain at the Bedside explains HealthCare Marketing; it’s not the answer you think you’ll get. It’s very good, and has made me think more about markets in medicine.

Tech Medicine writes about medical consultants and his motivation after a seminar. (And we all know the problem is not getting good ideas, it’s the implementation).

Allergy Notes talks about Country star Trace Adkins and his efforts to publicize food allergies, a personal subject for him as his daughter has multiple food allergies.

Shadowfax discusses an ED trade secret: phototherapy and its applications. Another technique to remember for that one particular case.

NY Emergency Medicine discusses a code he probably caused, and the reactions it provoked. It took nerve to write it, and was probably cathartic.

And, this is where I ran out of, well, whatever makes you finish a Grand Rounds. I talked to Dr. Val Jones over at Revolution Health, and she’s agreed to finish up, so Go There. Sorry. I’ll have to take an Incomplete.

Update: I’m not a quitter, this April Fools’ edition of Grand Rounds was inspired (and coordinated) by Nick Genes, whose creation it was in the first place.

The rest of the conspirators, in order: Dr. Val at Revolution Health, David Williams at Health Business Blog, Nick Genes at Medgadget, Dr. Anonymous at his eponomously (anonymously eponomously?) Dr. Anonymous, Dr. Rob at Musings of a Distractible Mind, and ultimately at Kim’s Emergiblog.

It was fun to do, this doesn’t count as a hosting for me, and I hope it wasn’t too jarring.

21 thoughts on “MedBlogs Grand Rounds 4:28

  1. Absolutely wonderful! ALL of you have done an outstanding job making this week’s ‘Rounds fun AND informative!

    Kudos all around!

  2. Pingback: InsureBlog

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