March 6, 2025

I cannot believe I haven’t told this story.

In my youth, teens, during the Cold War. Old enough to know about the CW, and how we were all in danger, all the time. Nuclear War, MAD, the whole deal. It was a tense time specifically then, the US and the USSR were getting kinda chippy. I was aware.

Visiting relatives in the bustling city of Kermit, Texas. It’s an oil field town. (Kermit was in this blog a decade or more ago for BS involving criminally charging nurses for reporting a doc to the medical board, just search the site for Kermit).

Nature called, went to the throne room. Somewhere in this operation it happened: the Civil Defense Siren went off! I have my clothes around the ankles, and the dang Civil Defense siren is blaring!! I was aware that Kermit was on a warhead list (maybe a second strike list, maybe Cold War BS, but I’d seen it). So, this is it. I’m going to die on the toilet, from a nuclear strike. Upside, at least I’d be spared the aftermath.

So, finished the business (takes no time with everything on your young body snapped shut), and yes I washed my hands.

Entered the main room, ashen, and was nonplussed nobody else knew it was over! They’re just having normal conversation! Global Thermonuclear War, it’s on, why isn’t everyone freaking out??!

Trying to let everyone know we were going to die, I politely asked:

‘Did y’all hear the siren?”

yes, of course

‘Aren’t you concerned’? I mean, C’mon. News. Keep up.

oh, it’s Saturday, they test the siren on Saturdays at noon every week.



Weird emotions. First, glad I was going to live! Second, SUPER GLAD I HADN’T SAID ANYTHING. Third, still glad I get to live on.


I think about this every time I hear a siren test. And Thank the Lord and Ronald Reagan we don’t have to worry about that. Now.