March 25, 2025



I’m Allen, also known as GruntDoc. I chose GruntDoc as, when I was getting my first email address I was a doctor for the USMC infantry who are somewhat affectionately known as grunts. Although I’m no longer on active duty it still fits, because now I’m an Emergency Medicine doc who just works shifts. I’m a grunt in the Doctor world.

I’m a grad of The University of Texas at the Permian Basin (BS, MS) and Texas Tech (MD). The Navy was kind enough to pay for my medical school, so after completion of a Basic Surgery Internship at Naval Hospital San Diego, it was off to spend four fun-filled years with the USMC. While with the Marines I was a Battalion Surgeon for two years (2/4), to include a UDP for the 31st MEU/SOC (Marine talk), then a Regimental Surgeon for 2 years (HQ 5th Marines). I enjoyed my time in uniform, and realized I wasn’t going to be the career type. I miss the mission, and the camaraderie, but not the BS.

After leaving the service I completed an Emergency Medicine Residency in Fresno, California, and was one of two Chief Residents in my fourth year. I’m board certified in Emergency Medicine, and am a Fellow in both ACEP and AAEM.

I now live in Texas with my family. As for the use of a Pseudonym while blogging: I don’t know why every doctor doesn’t!

Please Note: Comments appear here are unmoderated, and unless posted by me do not reflect my endorsement.   Furthermore, I reserve the right to remove any comment.  Finally, I’m a doctor, but I’m not your doctor, so just go to the ER!