March 9, 2025

Fort Worth soldier’s, um, boxers make him famous | Fort Worth |
Army Spec. Zachary Boyd, a 2007 graduate of Keller Central High School, was in his sleeping quarters this week when the Taliban attacked in the rugged mountains of eastern Afghanistan. Boyd rushed to a defensive position clad in his helmet, vest and boxers — the pink ones decorated with the “I Love NY” slogan.

Dude’s from Fort Worth. “I Love NY” Boxers. Geez.

Thank you for your service. Get some Texas undies.

6 thoughts on “Fort Worth soldier’s, um, boxers make him famous | Fort Worth |

  1. and, that bright red night shirt under the vest was prolly not the best choice of color for the engagement..

  2. Hey, if you are going into combat, your colors should clash!
    just kidding.
    If I were him, I probably would have stripped the boxers and shirt *off*
    Nothing terrifies the enemy like a naked man with a gun.

  3. Another iconic symbol of being ready at a moments notice. Bet he gets a few “Hook ’em Horns”, “Tech Red Raiders”, or “Gig “em Aggies” boxers.

    As a mother very proud. At least he put on his vest and helmet.
    As a mother very embarassed. “You are not going out looking like that!”

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