March 28, 2025

I have written before on my VW driver’s side window ‘taking the plunge’, so to speak, and the subsequent repair. Well, today, the passenger side window, clearly annoyed that the driver’s window was getting all the attention, did the same thing. It was sticking out, just enough to grab so I could tape it shut for the 2 hour drive to Lubbock; was, that is, until she who shall remain nameless decided to help, lifting it up just enough to clear its stop, then said window fell the rest of the way in.

When I spoke to the service rep the first time, he said that window lifts on VW’s were a known problem and were being repaired under warranty even after the pathetically brief 2 year VW warranty period expired. Now I wonder if maybe there shouldn’t be a recall of these parts (they would have both been replaced on one trip instead of two trips).