March 28, 2025

I am experimenting with Mozilla, which is Netscape all grown up. It reminds me of the old Netscape, same icons, same good performance, before the Microsoft Borg decided they would be assimilated, and within 18 months the browser to have was IE, with all its size and security problems.
And, yet, all is not well. Mozilla is really quick, appreciably quicker than IE when opening web pages, and it’s pretty slick. However, this post to Blogger is being composed on IE, because in Mozilla the composer window is bizarre and missing pieces; also, I was unable to log into my comments engine from Mozilla but had no trouble with IE. Therefore, there is a problem with Mozilla or a problem with IE. Choose you problem.
I’m going to keep Mozilla, for now, because it deals so completely and effectively with ads and those atrocious popup windows.