March 28, 2025

I could tell you my opinion about President Bush’s speech, of my respect for those still in uniform who are not able to be with their families, but that’s not what I do. Yet.

What I will add is another humor link, and this one is medical! QFever is the best regular medical satire on the internet. For instance, this week’s lead articles are:

Facing Blood Shortage, Hospitals Turn To Jehovah’s Witnesses
Recruiting efforts expected to decrease need for transfusions

“Confusing” Brand, Generic Drug Name System To Be Replaced
Full scientific nomeclature will be mandatory

Medical School Introduces Innovative Curriculum
Not-my-problem-based learning draws praise, criticism

Read, laugh, enjoy; that’s what I do! And I’ve added QFever to the sidebar.

Update: oops, it’s not being updated. I’m going to leave the link up for a few weeks. Perhaps that’s what they were waiting for.

1 thought on “More Humor

  1. Yeah…. unfortunately, it hasn’t been updated since Novermber of last year :( I’ve tried to email them to ask if it will be updated again, but never received an answer.

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