March 28, 2025

Saturday, my dad and I had a 110th Birthday party (I turned 40 this past week, and dad turns 70 next week). We had planned it for weeks, and had invited a lot of family. We had a surprise for dad and mom.

The surprise arrived on party day, my brother and his wonderful wife and bright child. The looks on my parents’ faces was the best present I could have had. The party was fun, and a good time was had by all.

We have spent the last couple of days in deep family fun mode: playing catch, and frisbee, and chatting. Also, our peculiar family fun, installing a gable end vent fan in an attic (Dad, Neil and I working together), works terrifically and quietly.

I am blessed beyond measure, and I know it.

1 thought on “110th Birthday Party

  1. Happy (belated) birthday to both of you! I feel a twinge of simpatico — my dad is also 30 years older than I am.

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