March 4, 2025

I have written previously about difficulties with my Volkswagen’s window winders, and their individual replacement under warranty.

Guess what happened on the way home this morning?

The passenger side window took a dive into the door (again). At least this time the dealer is a relatively painless 27 miles away from the house. The nice service writer there said they’ve ‘changed to a metal clip from plastic, and we haven’t had any of those have to come back’. They did promise to replace both sides.

VW knows a PR disaster when they see it, and has extended the warranty on their window winders to 7 years and unlimited mileage (from their pathetic 2 yrs on everything else).

I’m more than a little disappointed with VW on this issue. (And the VW 800 number says they’re closed due to the huge East Coast power failure!)

Update: repaired, work. For how long, I wonder?