March 28, 2025

Half the fun of having a site like mine is seeing who comes here, often by mistake. Referrer logs make that easy, as my main tracker keeps score of the search terms people used to come here.

Some terms that brought people here, that make sense given what I write about:

beercan chicken
prescription placebo
skyhigh airlines
direcway satellite pas
amazon boss
going bare
tivo 30-second skip broken
military operation name
volvo saab tricolor english channel
king air t44
news usmc parachute accident

Those I can understand showing up in search engines given what I talk about:

amber alert bill
urology problems with us marines in liberia
el paso biggs
pharmacists and handguns
are american x-rays sent to india to be read

And the ones that completely baffle me:

association of fire extinguisher dealers in Kuwait
email address of all jet manufacturals (sic) in russia
(lots of ’email address of doctors in…’)
egg donation blog

It’s interesting the things that bring people here. All are welcome, though I have no email addresses, and know less than you about Kuwaiti fire extinguisher dealers.

2 thoughts on “Fun with Referrer logs

  1. I was looking for quotes from the movie “Old School” so I typed in “old school he’ll do one” and you came up.

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