March 3, 2025

OK, I’ve been fooling with the blog style for way too long. Sorry, but the old one was boring, and common. I saw it daily all over the blogosphere, with somebody elses’ name on it. (And better content, but that’s a different problem).

I mostly like what I’ve got here, now. I’m going to force myself to leave it alone for at least a week (unless I can figure out how to center the Milblogs webring thing).

So, no more daily shocks when you open the page, at least for a week.

The design is from BlogStyles, BTW.

3 thoughts on “OK, I’ll stop!

  1. It looks nice except on my monitor (17″ 1024 x 768) everything that was on the sidebar is now at the bottom of the page below all the blog entries. Just FTI.

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