March 28, 2025 – Jackson: Authorities ‘manhandled me’ – Dec. 28, 2003

NEW YORK (AP) — Michael Jackson says he was manhandled by authorities when arrested last month on child molestation charges — and suffered a dislocated shoulder from the way he was handcuffed.

Usually a shoulder dislocation is caused by forced external rotation, like catching a ball; handcuffing involves forced internal rotation.

I did a medline search for both “handcuff AND dislocation” and “handcuff AND shoulder”, and it yielded one noncontributory article about peripheral neuropathy from handcuffs. Not a single article about shoulder dislocations due to handcuffs. I’d like to add that as a practicing emergency physician I have never had a patient with an actual dislocation due to handcuffs. (I have had several complaints, all malingering to stay out of jail for another hour).

So, Mike, show me the xrays, including the scapular “y”, and show me the record of the conscious sedation and the reduction.

Otherwise, apologize to the nice officers, and stop being a whiner.

7 thoughts on “Shoulder Dislocated during arrest: MJ

  1. He’s just looking to focus the spotlight elsewhere and play a brutality and RACE card. What race, I don’t know, but there’s bound to be one somewhere.

  2. How does one raise both arms over his head to flash a “V” for victory signs to his adoring fans if one’s shoulder is disocated? It’s all there on video tape.

  3. How ’bout that round bruise on his inner forearm about 8cm above where handcuffs could possibly go?

  4. Maybe he dislocated his shoulder AS he was raising his arms to flash the “victory” sign.

    Personally, I suspect that Pops was waiting for little Mikey back at the Ranch, and gave him a good ol’fashion Joe Jackson smack down.

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