March 28, 2025

Star Telegram | 01/03/2004 | LIVING LARGE IN TEXAS is how it’s titled in the online version of the Fort Worth Star Telegram, but the print version headline was better (the title for this post).

We’re number 6 in the nation, according to Men’s Health Magazine, which is where I go for my epidemiologic research. Dallas was number 3, and Arlington was number 8.

I don’t put a lot of stock in this sort of thing, but we do have our fair share of heavy hitters here.

Really I just posted it because I liked the title. Oh, and for the record, the Fort Worth Star Telegram is a pretty good fishwrap for straight reporting, just remember the rule on their editorial advice: always do the opposite of their recommendations. You’ll be glad that you did.

1 thought on “Fat Worth

  1. If I heard correctly, the scientific method employed is suspect at best. I heard that they somehow factored in commute times into the equation. What commute time implies about obesity is anyone’s guess. It also means that places with lots of space (Texas) where growth of the city tends to be outward as opposed to upward, are more overweight.


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