March 28, 2025

One Doctors’ Hell
Incredible story. Doctor is falsely accused, hounded by a prosecutor with an agenda, and when finally acquitted (after an appeal and retrial) is left without a medical license, practice or career.

5 thoughts on “Dr. Griffins’ Hell

  1. The Medical Boards of each State have full discretionary authority to suspend and rescind any medical license for even the appearance of misconduct. It is pure hell for the physician to attempt to reinstate it. The medical board personnel tend to make it a personal mission to insure the black listing of the “offending” physician and the way the system is set up it would be easier for the physician to have his teeth pulled without anesthesia rather than apply to a new State to move from the offending State.

  2. Dorothy Rabinowitz has been my heroine for a long time. Her coverage of the false sex abuse charges in Massachusetts has been superb.

    I for one have been a regular fan of her Wall Street Journal columns for a long time.

    She deserves that Pulitzer, and a whole lot more.

  3. Anyone done any research on the outcome? I rememebr reading this when it first came out and was amazed that a career could be so easliy destroyed.

  4. I have a juvenile question. Why is it that in our society today, good people are crushed in cases like this, but Drs who have questionable training (Take a Sally Struther’s Medical Course in Batswana) and who destory may lives with bad procedures..don’t lose everything?

    Do we blame greedy trial lawyers of which the world should be purged of…or judges who don’t know the law..or jury’s that are too stupid?

    I’m sick of this crap, as are all the other Dr. Griffin’s of the world. There has to be a way to get back to a manner of correctly calling a kettle black when it is indeed black.

  5. Pingback: Overlawyered

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