March 28, 2025

I’m listening to the radio (Sean Hannity’s show) and he’s interviewing a USMC Major (Michael Macnamara) in Iraq.

This Major just dropped that “His friend, LCOL Paul Kennedy of 2/4, had a memorial service for 15 of his Marines and one of his Sailors…” and I’m struck by it. Paul Kennedy was a Company Commander with 2/4 when I was their doc, and he’d be about right for command now. I haven’t heard which unit lost Marines and Sailors, but I’m proud of all of them. 2/4 is doing good work, from the report.

Wow. Small world.

2 thoughts on “2/4 in the Fight

  1. I have been thinking of going into the Navy for medical school (I have been an EMT for 7 years, and am working on my paramedic certs). Did you enjoy it? How long were you required to stay in? I am just trying to decide, and the only people I have ever found to ask questions of are the recruiters and people who really don’t know a darned thing.


  2. Jen,
    I’d love to tell you everything I know, the good and the bad. I’ll make a new blog entry about this in a day or so!

    And, thanks for the topic idea. My well’s a little dry right now.

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