March 28, 2025

BBC NEWS | Health | Builder survives nailgun accident
You have to see the original article, with the atsounding xray. He has survived so far.

The story is also just a little fishy, as he’s supposed to have shot himself with a nailgun 6 times, 4 from directly behind. Even Inspector Clouseau might have trouble with that.

via Black Triangle

7 thoughts on “Nailgun xray

  1. I agree on the “fishy” odor, since there is no such report in a search of the LA Times that I can find. This would have been a story they would have posted and would have appeared on US newsfeeds, esp. since this occurred several days ago.

  2. Pingback: symtym
  3. My bullshitometer is pegging in to the red. The wife, who not only has many more years ED experience but also has worked with the devices, is even more incredulous.

    Our verdict: botched assassination attempt. Love to see what kind of ink he was sporting.

  4. Pingback: concordance
  5. I agree–I think someone was reenacting the nail gun use in Lethal Weapon II.

  6. Apparently, he fell off a roof, and the nail gun went with him. That makes a little more sense, but it’s still weird. The police investigated, and could not corroborate anything that implicated his coworker.

    Trippy X-ray. Squirm-worthy.

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