March 28, 2025 – Hospital cuisine going gourmet – Jun 2, 2004

A nice article about one of those intermittent episodes wherein hospitals discover patients need to eat, and want to eat something other than rubber chicken and jello. (These efforts come out every once in a while, and seem to die, probably due to budget cuts).

This reminded me of these hospital box lunches I saw last month, which made me wonder if Atkins is a dinner selection:
Atkins Box Lunch?

3 thoughts on “Hospital Food

  1. An interesting clinical pearl I’ve picked up is that often the Kosher meals taste much better than the typical general diet. So if my patients complain of the quality of the food I’ll try the Kosher diet irrespective of whether they’re actually Jewish.

  2. The hospital cafeteria in Massachusetts General Hospital (aka with tongue in cheek, Man’s Greatest Hospital) is listed in Zagat’s, and has great reviews. Every time I eat at the cafeteria in my hospital (after being elbowed around by 300lb diabetic visitors and patients and 240lb nurses), I get sick. One day they’ll all shoot for the stars and feed us something healthy in a hospital.

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