March 4, 2025

From one of the Aunts:

Upon a 6pm return from a quick but GREAT trip to Brownsville for Uncle Barney’s 99th Birthday Celebration, I put together a cake for a Ladies Bible Class luncheon the next day. Experimenting with flavors I like, the cake was German chocolate, chocolate chips were layered on top after baking and spread when melted, then Cream Cheese frosting spread over that layer.
To my surprise, the plan was to Eat Out, not bring covered dishes. We decided we’d try to smuggle the cake into Luby’s. About 5 minutes away from the church building, I discovered the cake was NOT in the car. Quickly retracing the miles, I discovered it at the first corner turned. Yes, the sturdy pan, carefully set on top of the car while putting other items inside, was now just “aluminum foil” and the cake just a chocolate ‘slick’.
None of the ladies had selected a desert from the food line, but they were gracious to me and thanked me for saving them from those unneeded calories.
Ron dared into the traffic the next evening when we went for church to retrieve the carcases of the pan and the lid. They will go into the recycle bag with aluminum cans for the benefit of Polish missions!

Pic in the extended entry.

recycling made easy

4 thoughts on “Cake pan, before and after

  1. You DO realize that this sort of Brain-lapse is genetic! And you deem it ‘bright’ to tell the public?

  2. This is why I have an SUV and van. I’m too short to put items on the top while arranging other things inside the vehicles! I seem to do “other” weird things! Ah … family traditions!

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