March 28, 2025 – Writers – Josh Elliott: Judged sports don’t belong in Olympics – Wednesday August 25, 2004 12:53PM

No athletic event that is judged belongs in the Olympics.

And no exceptions: No gymnastics. No ice skating or boxing. No synchronized swimming or diving. If it can’t be won on the track, in the lane lines or with one more goal than the other folks, it has no place in the world’s premier festival of sport, one that purports to give us the world’s greatest champions.

I agree with the writer. Pretty good article.

3 thoughts on “Drop subjective sports from the Games

  1. Then you better toss out all sports which have the opinion of a referee that could affect the outcome of the contest. Gee, not much left now…

    Everything is subjective.

  2. But can’t you imagine how much fun a little girl or boy has when learning how to tumble, walk a balance beam, get stronger, spin and flip only to be devastated at the realization that in order to continue with the sport they have to be judged? I’m sure they don’t realize it at the time, but I bet every young gymnast was crushed and devastated multiple times and pushed on by parents and coaches. Too bad they can’t just keep on whirling and flipping just for the fun of it. Let’s judge those sports by how much fun they are having!

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