March 28, 2025

Tonight, working at a friendly-competing hospital, we got word that the Fort Worth Osteopathic Hospital was ‘closed’. ED closings to EMS are commonplace here, so it’s no big deal, and I said so.

“No, I mean they closed the doors, and the EMS computer says they are closed to all traffic. Closed like they are out of business closed”. Woah. Our city’s teaching hospital closed.

I asked one of our nice rotating med students if she’d heard anything about it, and she said “Well, this explains the mandatory meetings this morning for the Residents and the Med Students”.

I have no idea what time will bring, but I really hope they make it back.

AP Wire | 10/08/2004 | Teaching hospital reportedly faced with sale or closure

Posted on Fri, Oct. 08, 2004

Teaching hospital reportedly faced with sale or closure

Associated Press

FORT WORTH, Texas – Tarrant County’s only private stand-alone general hospital is reportedly losing money and threatened with possible sale or closure.

Directors of the Osteopathic Medical Center of Texas, primary teaching facility for the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth, were to consider an offer from one potential purchaser, an official familiar with the negotiations told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram in Friday’s editions.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said administrators have also been readying for a shutdown if an agreement cannot be reached.

The nonprofit hospital’s directors met Thursday night to determine its fate, said spokeswoman Janet Howe.

Update: Apparently, the med school (TCOM) will stay open, but their primary teaching facility will be closed.

1 thought on “Ft. Worth O Closes?

  1. OMG. I thought teaching facilities were reimbursed for training (so much per student or resident)?

    How are people supposed to learn?


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