March 6, 2025

I love that the best source I found for this story is the “Hindustan Times”: LA jury clears Allergan, doctor in Botox case :

A Los Angeles jury on Friday cleared a celebrity dermatologist and Botox-maker Allergan of claims that they poisoned the wife of former Hollywood movie studio head Mike Medavoy with injections of the wrinkle cure to cure headaches.

The trial judge also dismissed a separate claim of false advertising against the pharmaceutical company and Dr. Arnold Klein, the self-described master of “the perfect lip.”

In a six-week trial, Irena Medavoy claimed she suffered a four-month illness after Klein, her long time dermatologist and a consultant paid by Allergan, gave her a large dose of the wrinkle eraser to treat her migraine headaches.

A six week trial? No wonder the jury told them to get stuffed. I know lawyers (like doctors) enjoy hearing themselves speak, and showing off just how clever they are, but six weeks?

As for botox, it’s not an ER drug, and since vanity pays (and pays in cash), dermatologists have apparently embraced it. (The perfect derm drug: expensive, works, makes people happy, treatments only last a few months, so they’ll come back for more).

Six weeks, geez. I have been on one jury and it took us 3 days to find a fellow guilty and put him in prison for 65 years.