March 28, 2025 – Drop in foreign grad students raises alarm – Nov 5, 2004

(AP) — A new survey indicates the number of foreign graduate students enrolling for the first time at American universities is down 6 percent this year — the third straight decline after a decade of growth. Educators worry the trend is eroding America’s position as the world’s leader in higher education.

Phooey, they’re worried they’re going to have to teach their own labs and grade their own papers.

1 thought on “Drop in foreign grad students raises alarm

  1. Hear, hear!

    Working at a major university (as a researcher right now… med school app got in Nov 1) I have seen several students come and go and many apply who backed out because of the visa application process. It has changed significantly post Sept 11, 2001.

    However, I think it would be a great boost to the longevity of physics and chemistry (and math?) researchers if they had to teach their own labs to continue to keep up their lab skills. In my chemistry degree, I had one professor who was still active in bench-work… and he was the oldest one of the bunch! He just happened to come from a different era, I guess.

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