March 28, 2025

ACS :: Great American Smokeout

The American Cancer Society (ACS) holds the Great American Smokeout? each November to help smokers quit cigarettes for at least one day, in hopes they will quit forever. This year’s event will be held on November 18, 2004.

So, dump your butts, and live longer.

4 thoughts on “Smokeout

  1. Pingback: The MUSC Tiger
  2. C’mon, you’re the doc, give some advice!

    For me, a combination of webutrin & the patch made quitting easy–on the third try. (I started smoking AGAIN during a painful divorce–stupid but I did it.) I think what motivates some folk to smoke is nicotine’s mood-smoothing action. You have to recognize that there’s something in it for the user.

    In general, in California smoking has gone from cool & ubiquitous (say, 1970) to uncool and difficult — (starting whenever inside smoking was outlawed in the 1980s). Great public health moves.

  3. Liz, my advice: try again, and keep trying until you get it right.

    Your initial efforts to finally result in smoking cessation are right on track: most people try, and fail, to quit before 3 good tries. Relapses are common, and it’s like resetting the clock.

    Try, try again. And good luck!

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