March 3, 2025

Medisiinarin p?iv?kirja

tiistai, tammikuu 18, 2005
Aikaiset her?tykset ovat t??ll? taas
Ei, en todellakaan ole aamuihminen. Aikaiset her?tykset ja uni silm?ss? laitokselle raahautumiset alkoivat maanantaina HAIT-jakson…

No, I can’t read it either. It’s the blog of a Finnish med student, who apparently has a strong resemblance to George Clooney.

It’s a small world, and the internet is making it smaller.

2 thoughts on “Another interesting blog link

  1. I would not believe that you end up reading my blog! Maybe reading is not correct word ;) Yet, I’m flattered. Yeah, I do like Clooney, a nostalgic ER-person. We have 11. season on air at the moment in Finland.

    Keep up good work! And thanks for passing by!

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