March 28, 2025

Welcome, Der Spiegel visitors!

Today, I got two heads-up in the comments of a post about C-130 crash photos posted here January the 7th.

Der Spiegel Online picked up the story, and published the photos, with as the source caption (which is how the commenters found their way here).

I have no idea what the article says, as my German is non-existent. Another blog link in a language I don’t speak. I sense a theme for the week…

Update: ran the above through a Bablefish translation, and it’s essentially the same story, citing Aviation Week & Space Technology as the source of the story.

2 thoughts on “Der Spiegel Online links to the C-130 Pics

  1. Congrats GruntDoc,

    Spiegel Online is Germany’s most important online news source.

    Normaly they are viciously anti-American, but in this case they just posted your pics and reported that this MC-130 crashed in Northern Iraq because pilots were apparently not informed that there was a hole in the runway due to constructions.

    As a source they quote “Aviation Week & Space Technology”.

    Kind regards from Germany!

  2. I just read the German version – it essentially says the same you did, adding a bit of info on the use of Hercules’ aircraft (used for secret missions, under cover of darkness, also as tankers for helos) and quotes an American general saying that security had to be increased after the many losses of aircraft in Iraq due to accidents. – it seems a very straightforward report, not as virulantly anti-American as usual in the Eurpean Press.

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