February 22, 2025

…is this blog, ScoreCard Signals. It’s in Japanese. The blogger is a Hospital Manager in Osaka, Japan, and his blog has very pretty graphics. I presume the text is good, too, but that’s just a guess.

2 thoughts on “Most interesting blog link (to me)

  1. I don’t know if that is some sort of eastern knowledge-organizing method, but I’ve seen it before. During my 2nd year of medical school, we had a chinese lecturer that organized all his musculoskeletal lectures with slides that looked like that.

    Our professor, Dr. Ho, called them “Ho Grams.” You can see an example on
    this page
    Click on the link that says “Ho Grams”, about 3/4 of the way down.

    It might be a better way of doing things than the traditional hierarchial outline, but it was pretty cruel to spring this on us during our last 3 weeks of 2nd year.

    Also, his hand-drawn overhead slides were not nearly as legible as the Flash program on that website.

    Also, oddly enough, on one of those diagrams, I noticed the logo for Mission-St. Joseph Hospital. Unless there’s two of those, I was there last week for an interview for a Family Medicine residency. It’s in Asheville, NC.

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