March 28, 2025

Day two, things I’ve learned / observed:

Todays’ lectures were good overall, but were uncoordinated, to the point we got the same info several times. (That’s not all bad, we’re ER Docs and repetition is our Friend).

Most people’s Powerpoint presentations are fair, on bad backgrounds. I no longer want to look at speckled-blue backgrounds with yellow type. And, if your graphics look funny on your monitor, they’ll be indecipherable when shined on a big screen.

Don’t read your slides to us: use the bullet points to emphasize what you want to say (something I’m guilty of).

Don’t apologize either for your talk or your slides. We’re paying to hear you and what you know/teach. Do it!

can be used as a therapeutic agent in some types of bowel obstructions (it’s an ‘off label’ use). News to me, and I need to learn more.

10% of caucasians lack the enzyme to convert codeine into morphine, the active metabolite. (Aside: It doesn’t matter: 97% of my patients report codeine doesn’t work for them, making me wonder about the enzyme and its prevalence). (The rest are allergic to it).

Nurse speakers have WAY too many certification acrynoms following their names. This is one of those things that’s probably profession-specific, and the more certs a nurse has the better in the nursing world. However, it’s jarring to see a dozen-plus random consonants after a presenters’ name.

Tomorrow, the Main conference begins. More later!

2 thoughts on “AAEM Day 2

  1. LMAO!
    I whole heartedly agree about the nurses who try to impress their colleagues with all of their degrees/certs etc.
    Technically I guess I could list RD, BS, BSN, MSN, CCRN, ACNP-C after my name. But, rather than make a fool of myself I just use NP.
    Years ago was discussing this phenomenon with an MD colleague – he had noted the MICN certification that an ER nurse had. He asked, “gee isn’t it spelled M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E ?”

  2. Grrrrrrrr…I hate, hate, hate it when people literally read their damn PP slides.

    And re: acronyms — the older I get, the less impressed I am with any of them. But the letters “M.D.” continue to impress me, Doc — that’s one of the very few professional degrees that I truly respect.

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