March 28, 2025

Today I have launched a minor site redesign. The links you’re used to finding in the right sidebar are all still here, but now they’re on the left.

The reason for the new design is to add a new sidebar over on the right, which will accept ads. I’ve applied a medical maxim to this decision: never be the first, and never be the last. It applies to medical procedures and medicines, and now to medical blogs.

As this has entailed new templates, if you find something broken, please email me.

Update: Thanks to all who pointed out bizarre behaviors. I think these are all behind us now (one of the comment templates seems to be calling for something it cannot find, then pouts). It’s been replaced with the original model, which seems to work just fine, thanks.

3 thoughts on “Minor Site Redesign; Oh, and I’m Selling Out

  1. Hey Grunt Doc, how did you manage to land a decal ad and a blog ad. I added adsense to my website and since my blog on homeopathy, I’ve needed to keep filtering out alternative medicine adds.
    Until I get a set of ads I don’t mind keeping, I’ve buried the blurb at the bottom of the page.

  2. Well, I don’t know. Right now it seems to rotate between Liver transplants and EM websites, most of which I hadn’t heard of.

    I wonder who clicks through a liver transplant ad. Pretty small target audience.

  3. FYI, Everything is extremely messed up in Firefox. I don’t know what is wrong but things are basically unusable.

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