March 3, 2025

…tonight were, I presume, relatives of a patient. Not my patient, and it was busy, but I couldn’t help but look into the curtained cublcle from whence the tune was coming.

Two nicely dressed ladies were singing “Happy Birthday” to an elder in bed, with a c-collar in place. It was a perfectly good rendition, but not something I hear very often (OK, ever) in the ED. I suppose a decent number of people wind up in the ER on milestone dates like anniversaries and birthdays: illness and injury are disrespectful of our mortal celebrations.

Again, I was busy and didn’t get the whole story, but it seemed these people were making the best of a bad situation, and they’re to be commended for it. I hope I’m never a patient on my birthday, but if I am, sing me the song!

3 thoughts on “Singing “Happy Birthday” in an ER

  1. Some years ago, in the ED I had a patient who came in with ethylene glycol toxicity. On his anniversary. The IV ethanol seemed made to order!

  2. Some years ago, in the ED I had a patient who came in with ethylene glycol toxicity. On his anniversary. The IV ethanol seemed made to order!

    Forgot to add: we did let him crack the bottle of champagne for a toast.

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