I don’t know if I am just sensitive to these, or if I’m seeing more than others, but we had another nail to the skull recently:

Yes, on the CT (sorry, no photo) it does penetrate the dura and tickles the brain. The patient was awake and alert, and after a trip to the OR (presumably with either a slide-hammer or vise grips) and did well.
heh…”tickles the brain”
Now that is a phrase I never want to have used when describing any medical condition I may have.
Nice pictures.
I’m starting to get an irrational fear of nails flying at my head, and a strong desire for full-time hard-hat.
The strangest cephalic FB I ever encountered was a bullet picked up on a “routine”skull xray wrt a scalp laceration. I decided to do the film because of the circumstances: EtOH, between 0000 & 0600, bad section of town, “just walking along minding my own business”. The laceration wasn’t much & no skull Fx was found. It was possible this was a pre-exisiting condition.