March 28, 2025

MedBlogs Grand Rounds (see link in yesterdays’ posts) is modeled after COTV, hosted this week by CodeBlueBlog: CodeBlueBlog: The 131st Carnival of the Vanities. It looks like a lot of work, and what a job he’s done!

There’s even an introduction to the medblogs for the COTV audience (yours truly is described as a stud of the ER!), and that’s great for all of us medbloggers.

So, after you’ve memorized the MedBlogs Grand Rounds, head over to the rest of the blogworld, at CBB.

2 thoughts on “Medblogger hosts Carnival of the Vanities

  1. Just stopped in to say thanks to ER Docs, as I did recently in person to Dr. Rea in Midland who was astute enough to quickly recognize my upper back aches as heart problems.

    Triple by-pass the next day. Dr. Rea stopped up to check further while I was in Cardiac Recovery. A good man…

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