March 28, 2025

The Indepundit

I HATE HOSPITALS. No matter how courteous, efficient, and professional the staff might be, the patients are always left feeling like pieces of baggage. There is no room for modesty or pride when your body is entangled in tubes and wires.

And then there is the waiting. Waiting to be seen. Waiting for lab results. Waiting for medication. Water. Food. But even the most comfortable and well-run hospital in the world has one crucial flaw: it’s not home.

Tonight, while I toss and turn in an empty bed, my wife is alone in a noisy building full of strangers and machines…

From what I read, she’s going to be OK, but it’s always painful to have a loved one in the hospital.

1 thought on “The IndePundit’s Wife is in the Hospital

  1. At least he was home.

    Can you imagine what his anguish would have been if he was still 11,000 miles away in a combat zone?

    She’s in my prayers.

    God Bless

    Jim in Texas

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