March 28, 2025

Tomorrow’s news, today: The doctor is logged in.

June 6, 2005 : Health

The doctor is logged in

What do physicians really think? A new wave of blogs gives the rest of us a glimpse into their world.

Nice article featuring medbloggers.

2 thoughts on “The doctor is logged in

  1. great article.. i’m a resident physician who blogs.. sometimes about the residency training, patients.. and of course just life in general.. keep it up!

  2. I just want to go on record and say that I LOVE Grand Rounds. I am a premed student who hasn’t quite decided what I at to do with my life, but I read Grand Rounds religiously. I acually look forward to Tuesdays. I think it’s absolutely great, and will probably continue reading it for as long as it lasts. Thanks again for providing such an interesting place to go for medical reading.

    I am posting this here because I almost always link to Grand Rounds through your site.

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