March 28, 2025

Happy Birthday, Honey, and many more.

Kindergarten photo

4 thoughts on “Happy (recurrent) 30th Birthday, Honey

  1. Pass our congrats for a Happy Birthday from Beary
    Potter and “Hagrid” … and the dog Jobu, alias

  2. One of my favorite T-shirts says “I’m 18 with 21 years of experience” — I need to tinker with the numbers a little now, but it’s still funny.

  3. Wouldn’t it be preferable to say that it’s the 1st anniversary of her 29th birthday?
    I started out that way, but upped it to 39 when it got too cumbersome. Me, I recently celebrated the 33rd anniversary of my 39th.

  4. Keep on being the fun and frolicsome 30
    that you feel like! The rest will catch
    up soon enough!luv,auntsuz

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