March 28, 2025

KevinMD, an entertaining ‘mostly medical news’ site (my characterization, not his) has branched out to a second blog, this one to feature

"a slant towards patient information and education, Straightfromthedoc
will continue to have my take on current medical information, news and

I wish him the best, but wonder how long he can keep up two separate and distinct blogs.  (I wonder mostly because I have trouble coming up with enough to post in one blog).  Good luck, Dr. Pho!

3 thoughts on “KevinMD begins Web Takeover

  1. It’s tough to run two blogs…and go to school. I run two myself–one only gets a fraction of the hits of the other and neither is raking in the visits. I have a couple of other websites I work with too…but it’s maintable if you set yourself a schedule. Of course, I suck at setting a schedule which is why only one blog gets updated regularly. :-)

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