March 28, 2025

Well, now.  I like the No Free Lunch idea, but haven’t seem anything organized where I am.  However, Dr. RW has, and it seems at least a couple of professional societies have some explaining to do:

No Free Lunch
has been knocking on the doors of exhibit halls at national doctors’
meetings lately. They believe the abundance of pharmaceutical company
displays, gifts and “detailing” at these meetings could have a bad
influence on doctors and would like an opportunity to do some counter-detailing, but so far the doctors have said “no, thanks.”
Recently the American Academy of Family Physicians refused to allow No
Free Lunch to operate an exhibit at its upcoming annual meeting.

this year the American College of Physicians (ACP) refused a similar
request from No Free Lunch to exhibit at its meeting….

Go read the whole thing.  I’m pretty sure my professional societies wouldn’t fare much better.