March 28, 2025

This just in:

Message from TCMS President Gary W. Floyd,


Donate Sample Medications for Hurricane Katrina

Fort Worth, Arlington, Tarrant County and other local
emergency organizations are partnering to provide sheltering assistance to
refugees. Both the City of Fort Worth and Tarrant County have declared a local
state of emergency to allow local authorities to provide any and all assistance

At this point, several shelters have been established in Tarrant
County and there will be a great need for medications of all kind.

Tarrant Count Public Health Department is collecting sample medications to
distribute to refugees.

Physicians’ office can drop off sample
medications to:

Tarrant County Public Health Department
1101 S. Main
Fort Worth, TX 76104
(at the corner of Rosedale & Main)

That’s a good idea, but will be a drop in the bucket of what’s needed.  However, this is probably a very good short-term solution.  Since I work in an ED, I don’t have any samples.

1 thought on “Tarrant County Medical Society Swings into Action for Katrina

  1. I think it’s a great idea. The clinic I work at has a giant drug sample closet. The doctors and the drug companies could donate so much…of course, the clinic is owned by an HMO so I seriously doubt they would open their tight fists enough to let a baby asprin out, much less enough to help anyone.

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