March 28, 2025

Grand Rounds, which is hosted each week by a rotating group of bloggers, is the easiest way to stay up to date with the best writing in medical blogs. Grand Rounds shares the same purpose as the annotated table of contents in printed medical journals like the NEJM and the Annals of Internal Medicine: it introduces noteworthy writing and encourages further reading.

I have the pleasure of hosting Grand Rounds this week. Here are the blogs:

Another great collection, and a day early, to boot!

Update: Added the required link. Update 2: Fixed the link. Sorry, folks.

3 thoughts on “MedBlogs Grand Rounds 2:6

  1. Good day GD,

    Where is the link good sir? I’m tired… so maybe I can’t see it.

    Anyway, keep up the good work!

  2. Good day GD,

    I’m tired… so maybe I’m not seeing clearly. It seems that the URL has gone missing.

    Take care and remember; ETOH keeps food in your belly…lol (I just heard that one)

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