February 22, 2025

Quick, go get yesterdays’ WSJ and turn to page R5, or if you have online access, here’s the link:
WSJ.com – Net Benefits

Doctors and nurses are joining the blogging revolution, ruminating about medical issues — and providing a rare window into their world.

Those listed: SneezingPo, KevinMD, DB’s MedRants, MedPundit, Dr.Rangel, Shrinkette, Blogborygmi, yrs. trly, Codeblog, Chance to Cut, Bioethics Discussion Blog, Medical Mad House, Cheerful Oncologist.

A couple of notes on the article: SneezingPo is a fine blog, but the article makes it sound like Grand Rounds is there every week, while it’s a rotation thing.

And, for the emailer who took me to task for using a pseudonym while blogging: a) I’m fully identified in the article, and b) 8 of the 13 blogs listed are anonymous. So, I’m in pretty good company.

1 thought on “Medical Blogs get to the Wall Street Journal!

  1. Congrats man, I saw that in the WSJ yesterday. They picked the “ER doc with ETOH on his breath” thread to comment on – I guess it was kinda interesting but I wish they’d picked the big argument about TPA and strokes.

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