March 28, 2025

I’ve joined the club, and am now the subject of a podcast!

Kent Bottles, Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Medical Practice Management interviews [me] of the medical blog. Several of the topics they discuss are medical blogging and its effect on medicine, why doctors are so slow to adopting new technology, personal experiences with EMR implementations, comparisons between military medicine and private sector medicine, mainstream criticism of medblogging and blogging’s self-correcting nature, expecting medical residents to know what type of medicine they want to practice so early in their career, keeping up with changes in emergency medicine, being a doctor in todays medical environment, the physician “generation-gap”, and tips to new medical bloggers.

I just listened to this, and have re-discovered that I am neither glib nor deep. Nor an accomplished off-the-cuff speaker. Dr. Bottles is a very good interviewer, and I appreciate being included.

If you have 23 minutes to kill and aren’t sleepy, here it is.

7 thoughts on “SoundPractice podcasts: me!

  1. Cool! Can I have your autograph?

    You may not think much of your performance, but I thought your responses very accurately protrayed your way of viewing the world, the role you have chosen to play in it, and what you really think about it all.

  2. GruntDoc — My compliments on your podcast . . . I even managed to stay awake, too! Thought I’d pass on that Kaiser Permanente (at least here in Northern California) has already implemented electronic medical records for its staff and next week will roll out the next phase of the project: Patients will be given online access to their own records. Included in this will be the ability to email your doctors. The emails, both from the patient and the doctors, will then become part of the patient’s permanent medical record. Other patient online capabilities that have been in operation for some time are setting/cancelling appointments, ordering meds, message boards, online health and drug encyclopedias, medical staff web pages (a picture’s worth a 1000 words!), selecting a physician online, and get medical advice from such professionals as pharmacists. Kaiser may have its problems and detractors (I have my own problems with their system), but it does do some things well. I think that this effort is one of them.

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