March 28, 2025

A couple of months ago I gave an interview about medical blogs for one of the monthly Emergency Medicine magazines. It was a nice interview, and I really figured I’d get a couple of quotes in a bigger article about EM and blogs.

I was wrong. Richard Winters (longtime friend) and I split an entire page, complete with mug shots and unfortunately-accurate quotes of the things we actually said. It’s terrific blogs in general, and EM blogs in particular, are getting more exposure, and it’s too bad EMNews doesn’t have an online version. (They do have a website,, but it’s last-generation stuff, and no real online content. Pity.)

Other EM blogs mentioned:
Symtym (preceeding Rick and I as Fresno EM grads)
Mr. Hassel’s Long Underpants
The Lingual Nerve (which is really a group blog with several doc types, but was started and is run by a Singaporean EM physician).

So, here’s a .gif of the article, which is reasonably sized and readable.

7 thoughts on “EM News Features Medical Bloggers; Yrs. Trly. Focus of Article

  1. Congratulations, great article! Also, nice picture. I’m glad you got more than just one sentence quoted.

    I just got interviewed for a new magazine called “Doctor and Patient” but asked them not to include my blog info (since administration doesn’t know I am doing this). The topic of the article was the question, is it ethical to fire patients from your practice? (my answer: hell yes!) Not sure yet when it’s coming out, but probably a couple of months.

  2. Pingback: symtym
  3. Wow! Congratulations!! I couldn’t read it very well, too bad there isn’t an online version.

    You look almost just how I pictured you!! :-)

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