March 26, 2025

Physician, know thyself — BMJ

how to choose a residency

As a resident physician working in a large academic medical centre, I am in frequent contact with medical students, many of whom feel apprehensive about choosing their future medical specialty. Students complain that they need balanced career guidance extending beyond “my specialty is the best” expressed by many doctors. Inspired by my interactions with residents training in all major specialties, I have created an algorithm to guide students’ choice of specialty on the basis of their personality characteristics. The algorithm has been well received at my institution by students and residents alike, many of whom exclaim: “That is so true.”

Boris Veysman, resident, Yale School of Medicine

There’s more than a grain of truth to this.

via Clinical Cases and Images and Dr. RW

10 thoughts on “Physician, know thyself:

  1. My father is Internal Medicine, and the chart certainly does predict that he would end up doing same. Heh…and my OR-Nurse mother would definitely agree with the Surgery path.

  2. This one hell of a good illustration. I’ll recommend this blog to my niece who is up to now clueless to what she would specialize with. But knowing her she might end up with being a Pedia (she’s very patient with children)or maybe end up in OB/GYN (She’s a very listener/comforter with women). But the rest it’s pretty amusing…

  3. As a first year medical student, “What do you want to specialize in?” is the equivalent of “What’s your major?” in undergrad…

    I’ll share this with my new friends at school.

    By the way… E.R. All the Way!



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