March 28, 2025

In the mailbag:

I am an Army Sergeant First Class and soon to retire (after 22 long years).

My wife and I own a business that builds PCS, retirement and other related military gifts that will withstand constant household moves – they won’t just fall apart like most AAFES crap; and we charge a Soldier’s price: so they are all great quality AND affordable. We also build for Police, Fire, Civil Service, etc. We offer up to 10% discounts on all products to Soldiers. We are willing to donate portions of discounts to "reputable" Blog Sites (like as well, that utilize proceeds toward Soldier and family support.

The bottom line is I’m trying to get the word out about us in a short time, since being Active Duty and building for/running the shop takes up almost every hour I’m awake.

So, if you’re in the market, here’s an option, DreamCatcher’s Creations ( )

(Disclaimer: I have no financial relationships with them, don’t specifically endorse them, but hope the best for any veteran and their businesses).