March 28, 2025

Change of Shift

Welcome once again to Change of Shift: A Nursing Blog Carnival, the bi-weekly compendium of nursing-related postings from around the medical blogosphere.

Modeled after the blogfather of all things medical, Grand Rounds, and shamelessly copied from Nick of Blogborygmi, Change of Shift is nursing related, but written from the perspective of all participants in the world of health care.

A big thanks to Intelinurse2b at It’s A Nursing Thing, for hosting our last edition..

And now, the fifth edition of Change of Shift.


It’s up!  Go and enjoy.


And, today’s Required Reading: Talking to Doctors.  This is wonderful!  Thanks, Kim!

3 thoughts on “Change of Shift 1:5

  1. PaedsRN,
    First, I miss your blog.

    Second, speaking to nurses is probably better written by a nurse than a doc, for reasons I don’t have to expound upon.

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