March 28, 2025


Grand Rounds 100th Edition

Grand Rounds Turns 100! Originally conceived by Dr. Nicholas Genes, the weekly linkfest celebrating the highlights of the medical blogosphere has reached its 100th edition. Intended to introduce the wider world to the growing medical blogosphere (doctors, nurses, students, administrators, EMTs, techs, and patients who blog), Grand Rounds has blossomed into a phenomenon noticed by The LA Times, Web MD, and Instapundit to name a few. For this the 100th edition I’d like to throw down a cool 57 links, an inclusive orgy of medical goodness, only tolerable in such gluttonous proportions once in a lifetime. Behold today’s display of medblogging largesse, hereby called Grand Rounds #100, hot off the press.

100!  We’ve gotten to 100 editions of MedBlogs Grand Rounds!  I’m in it, and am proud to be a part of it.  And, many happy returns.


Oh, here’s our humble beginnings.