February 22, 2025

Ves at Cinical Cases (Cleveland Clinic, maybe you’ve heard of them?) brings the latest:

Grand Rounds is a weekly summary of the best posts in the medical blogosphere. Pre-Rounds is an article series about the hosts of Grand Rounds on Medscape.com. Nick Genes of Blogborygmi, who writes the Medscape column, is the founder of Grand Rounds and he maintains the archive.
This week’s Grand Rounds is loosely structured in a “medical journal format” using the table of contents of one of my favorites — the British Medical Journal:
Editor’s choice
Clinical review
Analysis and Comment
Career focus

I usually say something pedantic like “It’s up”.  Here’s what this deserves: This is how a Grand Rounds should be.  Refer to it when you host.

Here’s my must-read post from this grand rounds.

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