March 28, 2025

Single Payer Shell Game : PANDA BEAR, MD

Now look, I don’t have a degree in economics and I don’t belong to a think tank where I am paid to shill my particular brand of public policy. On the other hand, I have a little common sense and have kept my eyes open.

If you were to get in a scrap with a mean old junkyard dog and he managed to sink his teeth into your scrotum, from that point forward the dog is totally in charge. You may have the complete use of the rest of your body and even though, from a real estate point of view, the dog has laid claim to a fairly small portion of your property, where that dog goes you will go and you heart, mind, and soul will follow willingly.

Thus begins an explanation of objections to ‘Single Payor’ that I’d be glad to take credit for. Except he wrote it before I did. Oh, and better than I could, as well.

3 thoughts on “Panda Bear, MD on Single Payor

  1. At present, the real-life animal that most nearly approximates Panda’s metaphorical junk yard dog is CMS. As anyone who has dealt extensively with that behemoth will tell you, it is a beast that does not hesitate to exploit its grip that “small portion of your property” called reimbursement in order to impose all manner of wacky bureaucratic and regulatory caprices.

    Anyone who believes that such behavior would not characterize a single-payer health care system should return to his alma mater and demand a refund.

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