March 28, 2025

This was on the bulletin board at the second job…

NO, I didn’t post it. Just a funny, like many seen daily in the ED.

7 thoughts on “ED Nurses – Considering a Change in Careers?

  1. LOL.
    I don’t want to work as the pooper scooper, but would consider dog walker.
    When I lived in Santa Monica I knew a woman on disability due to multiple sclerosis. She freelanced as a dog sitter/walker for the rich and not so famous. Think she made more money than me by dog sitting – and it was tax free.

  2. Wonder which nurse thought she wasn’t a pooper-scooper at her present job? :)

    Must have been the nurse administrator.

  3. I agree with PaedsRN – baby poop is not nearly as bad! In fact, there are a lot of things that are just not that gross to me just because I’m working with babies! haha… GI bleeds, however…still just as bad a smell…sad to say I have taken care of a couple of babies who’ve had that experience… :-/

    It’s so funny but new parents of micropreemies are often asking on the phone if the baby pooped today, and we often are really excited when they do! It’s a whole other world in the NICU! :)

    Take care,
    Carrie :)

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