February 22, 2025

Maybe I should quit blogging, if I can’t break into the top 100-150 medical blogs…

Kevin, M.D. – Medical Weblog: Healthcare 100
Healthcare 100
Speaking of Power Lists, eDrugSearch comes up with a Top 100 list of health and medicine blogs, based mostly on objective measures such as Google PageRank, Bloglines Subscribers and Technorati Authority Ranking.

Yeah, I know, it depends on the scoring system used, and I didn’t score well here.  Congrats to all the fine blogs listed!

Oh well, I have my eight readers. That’s enough for today.

12 thoughts on “Kevin, M.D. – Medical Weblog: Healthcare 100

  1. GruntDoc,

    I just wanted to let you know I am a big fam of your blog and that I have gone ahead and approved your blog. FYI: You can dramatically increase your ranking by uploading the Technorati code to your blog.

    Keep up the great work!


  2. Cary, the Technorati code keeps ‘hanging’, and keeps my front page from loading, so now I’ve had to move it (and another java-tracking app) to another page. For now.

  3. Oh, is that what was making your site not load?

    Anyway… how can you not have a page rank? That doesn’t make any sense.

  4. Oh is that why I was always getting an error message when I clicked on your blog from bloglines? I finally had to resubscribe to fix it. The connection worked for ages, then it didn’t. I was wondering what I had done.

  5. Bloglines was an oversight on our part. When we moved to WP, the RSS feeds changed. I did an announcement through the old RSS feed, but didn’t think to change the feed in BlogLines (or feedster, etc).

    I’m very glad you’re back!

  6. I guess I’m Reader No. 9, since No. 8 signed in above. Isn’t it more prestigious to be one of such a select group of disciminating readers, rather than part of some anonymous horde elsewhere?

  7. Allen:

    Take it easy. Those of us listed on top, think very highly of your site. Respect comes not from number of Bloglines subscribers. You get our respect for your thought-provoking posts, and your leadership. And a cozy atmosphere. That’s all.

    Moreover, (and here’s my personal opinion), edrugsearch is just a Viagra-selling site. Isn’t it? With their ranking engine they are just trying to increase their site’s PageRank. Smart on their part? Indeed. And in the process, they just made all of us in the medical blogosphere look foolish.


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