Fortunately by this posting date, some dry weather was enjoyed and shown mushrooms succombed to the sunlight.
Day three of sunshine in Collin County! My backyard is a bit swampy and in the shady spots I have many of the spotlighted fungi still present in record numbers.
Hey, I have those!
They just took over my front door plant! (I live on the 3rd floor)
In South Louisiana we have the same fungus… quaint.
Fortunately by this posting date, some dry weather was enjoyed and shown mushrooms succombed to the sunlight.
Day three of sunshine in Collin County! My backyard is a bit swampy and in the shady spots I have many of the spotlighted fungi still present in record numbers.
Hey, I have those!
They just took over my front door plant! (I live on the 3rd floor)
In South Louisiana we have the same fungus… quaint.
It’s Jimmy Hoffa’s grave!